


Often overlooked, interview preparation is critical to a successful interview.

  1. Gather Information - How much do you know about the company you are about to visit? 雇主尊重做过调查的求职者. Access to the Internet has made it simple to learn about a firm’s performance, 增长计划, 以及在市场上的声誉. 查看他们的网页, or search for any newspaper or periodical reports that may give you some insight into a particular firm.
  2. Prepare your Answers - Be ready to describe your most significant personal and professional accomplishments, 你的短期和长期目标, 以及你的优点和缺点. 准备好具体的例子. 在这种情况下,不要依赖你的“即兴发挥”能力.
  3. 关注细节——知道面试的具体地点, 到所定的时候,要到几时呢. 为任何可能的交通延误做好准备. Make sure you have the correct spelling and pronunciation of the interviewer’s name, 知道他们的头衔. Bring an updated copy of your resume, a list of personal references, a pen and a notepad.
  4. Dress Appropriately - A professional and well-groomed appearance is critical. 衣着保守通常是个好主意. Consult with your placement consultant to help determine proper attire.


  1. 提前到达. 5到10分钟就足够了.
  2. 表现出积极和热情的态度.
  3. 记住你的肢体语言. The manner in which you carry yourself can leave either a positive or negative impression. 坐直,但要舒服. 不要害怕向前倾,表现出你的兴趣. 尽可能与面试官进行眼神交流.
  4. 表现出自信,但不要傲慢. You should be selling yourself and your background as an excellent fit for the position, 但不可自夸,也不可过分自夸. 记住,自信是令人印象深刻的,但自大是令人讨厌的.
  5. 积极评价过去和现在的雇主. 你不想对管理层表现出消极的态度.
  6. 有力的握手仍然很重要!


  1. 你的优点是什么?? 给面试官举一个或两个优点的例子, and provide concrete examples of how it affected your work in a positive way. Stay away from identifying standard characteristics without examples (i.e. “我注重细节,工作努力,等等.")
  2. 你为什么对在这里工作感兴趣? This is a good opportunity to show that you’ve researched the company, 他们的名声给你留下了深刻印象, 增长的轨道, 诸如此类. Show interest in the job responsibilities of the position available, 与你所希望的相反这个职位
  3. 将导致下一个. Stay away from answers like "well, it’s more money," or "it’s an easier commute for me." The interviewer may think you’ll leave their company for similar reasons.
  4. 你最大的缺点是什么? Cite a lack of experience in an area largely unnecessary to the job you’ll be performing.
  5. 你为什么要离开现在的职位? Make it clear that you have arrived at this decision after long and careful deliberation. 永远不要批评现任或前任雇主. In fact, show appreciation to them for the opportunities they gave you.
  6. 你最自豪的成就是什么? As part of your preparation, you should have an impressive example ready. Have you ever saved your employer significant amounts of time or money? What have you done that you may be remembered for in a positive way? 向面试官展示你的价值!


  1. “我理解(职位名称)的作用, 但为了让我们达成共识, 这个职位的职责是什么?" This is an excellent way to discover exactly what the employer expects of you. Show the interviewer how you will perform those tasks effectively, and how your approach to the position will solve their company’s problems.
  2. “成功的候选人最重要的方面是什么??“再一次, this question should provide you with insight into what the company needs, 无论是个人还是职业, 来自理想的申请人. After their answer, give them examples of how you fit the profile.
  3. "If I were hired, what would be my first project or production goal?" If your prospective employer has unrealistic expectations, this is a good way to uncover them. 希望这些目标能够实现. 说明你如何超越他们的目标,而不仅仅是达到他们的目标. 如果可能的话,从你的工作经历中举出一些例子.
  4. “我的表现如何评估??“你当然想知道如何衡量你的工作, and the employer should see this as a fair and insightful question.


  1. “我的薪水是多少?? 你的福利怎么样??" The employer wants to believe you’re interested for reasons other than compensation and benefits. 千万不要在第一次面试中提到这个问题. 如果你被问到对薪水的期望, 尤其是在会议快结束的时候, it’s often a good sign- a "buying signal" that the interviewer is interested. 简单地回答:“现在,我的总报酬是(美元)。. 要想搬家,我希望能有合理的加薪."
  2. “这里的时间是多少?? 我们什么时候回家? 午餐多长时间??..等.“即使你只是好奇, you may appear to be someone who watches the clock until it’s time to leave. The employer must feel that you are ready to put in whatever hours are necessary to get the job done and that you bring a good work ethic to the table.
  3. “我多久才能有晋升的机会??询问个人发展潜力是完全可以的, 然而, 雇主最关心的是填补手头的空缺. Don’t give them the impression that you’ll be ready to move on after 6 months! 而不是, 问面试官——“如果我的表现被评为优秀, 我怎样才能在贵公司发展我的事业?"


  1. Restate the position’s requirements and responsibilities as you understand them, 然后问面试官你的结论是否正确. If so, tell the interviewer that you will be able to solve the critical challenges of the position. 重申为什么这是正确的, showing how your background and attributes matches their needs perfectly.
  2. Ask the interviewer if you can address any of their remaining concerns.
  3. 告诉面试官你想要这份工作! This can be done easily and diplomatically- "I am very interested in joining your organization. 下一步是什么?" or "I am excited at the prospect of working for your firm, and would accept an offer, if extended.“你必须表现出对这个职位的热情,才能得到这份工作, and it is common for a company to miss out on the best candidate for their opening because of a perceived lack of interest on the candidate’s part.
  4. 当天写一封感谢信, using their business card to get the correct spelling of their name and their correct title.


The best jobs go to the candidates with the best interviewing skills! Qualifications and references are often not enough to land the job you really want. Through research and preparation, you can interview with the best of them. 祝你好运!


